
Friday, June 18, 2010

Obama said 'I Am a Muslim' - أوباما أقسم لأبو الغيط أنه مسلم ومخلص للأجندة الإسلامية

تقرير: أوباما أقسم لأبو الغيط أنه مسلم ومخلص للأجندة الإسلامية
كتب – سامي مجدي
كشفت دورية "أميريكان ثينكر" في تقريراً نشرته الأربعاء عن أن الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما أقسم أمام أحمد أبو الغيط وزير الخارجية، أنه مسلم ومن أب مسلم وأن حماه مسلم، كما أن له أخوة غير أشقاء في كينيا مسلمين، وأنه مخلص للأجندة الإسلامية.وأضاف التقرير، أن أبو الغيط خلال ظهوره على قناة "تايل تي في" الناطقة بالإنجليزية قال أن أوباما يطالب العالم الإسلامي بالتحلي بالصبر حتى يفرغ من بعض المشاكل الداخلية (قضية التأمين الصحي)، وسيريهم ما سيفعله مع إسرائيل.وتساءلت الدورية في تقريرها الذي بني على معلومات أوردها الصحفي آفي ليبيكين في صحيفة "إسرائيل توداي" الإسرائيلية خلال شهر مايو الماضي، عما إذا كانت تلك المزاعم حقيقية؟حتى وإن نفاها أبو الغيط أو أن هناك خطأ في معلومات الصحفي الإسرائيلي، فإن كل دولة في العالم الحر لابد أن تلحظ بحر التغيرات الكارثية التي حدثت في قيادة العالم الحر.. وهو ما تشهد عليه أحداث العام الماضي. وقالت أن أوباما، دون النظر إلى كونه يدين بالإسلام أم لا، يجنح بشكل لا يمكن إنكاره نحو مساندة الإسلام والشريعة الإسلامية.وقالت الدورية إن التبادل المزعوم بين أوباما وأبو الغيط ربما يكون تم خلال زيارة أبو الغيط لواشنطن مطلع العام الجاري للتباحث بشأن السلام في الشرق الأوسط.وارجع التقرير احتمال إسلام أوباما لعدة أسباب منها فخره باسمه وخلفيته وعائلته الإسلامية الذي وضح جلياً بعد الانتخابات، و أن مصطلح "التطرف الإسلامي" لم يعد له وجود في وثائق وبيانات مسئولي الإدارة الأمريكية، وكذالك إختيار أوباما لمستشار يتحدث العربية ويشير إلى القدس بلفظها العربي وليس الإنجليزي ويطلق على الجهاد عقيدة الإسلام المشروعة، لشئون مكافحة الإرهاب، إضافة إلى أن الولايات المتحدة تتهم الآن إسرائيل بالإضرار بمصالحها في الشرق الأوسط.وكان الجدل حول ديانة أوباما قد بدا منذ أن رشح نفسه للرئاسة، وشنت حينها وسائل الإعلام اليمينية حملة كبيرة عليه، بدأتها بسلسلة من التقارير حول والده الكيني، وقالت إن أوباما "مسلم يرتدي ثوب المسيحية"، فيما رد
أوباما بقوله: "أنا مسيحي وأفتخر بمسيحيتي".تاريخ نشر الخبر : 16/10/2010
Obama said 'I Am a Muslim'
June 16, 2010
Report: Obama said 'I Am a Muslim'By Pamela Geller
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"The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim."
That was the claim of Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, as reported in the May 2010 issue of Israel Today. According to journalist Avi Lipkin, Gheit appeared on Nile TV's "Round Table Show" in January, on which he said that "he had had a one-on-one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda."
Obama allegedly said this in the context of reassuring Gheit that he would soon deal with Israel:
He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare) [sic], that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.
Could this be true? Even if Gheit's claim isn't true, or was misreported, every country in the free world must be cognizant of the catastrophic sea change that has taken place in the leadership of the free world -- as witnessed by events over the past year. Barack Obama took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and yet whether he is a Muslim or not, he has undeniably gone around the world promoting Islam and Sharia (Islamic law).
And now, if what Gheit says is true, we know why.
The alleged exchange between Obama and Gheit would almost certainly have happened in early January 2010, when Gheit was in Washington, D.C. regarding "Mideast peace talks."
On Thursday, January 7, 2010, the Associated Press reported that "Clinton and Mitchell [were] scheduled to meet" with Gheit on Friday, January 8, 2010: see ABC news here.
On Friday, January 8, 2010, Hillary Clinton and Gheit spoke with each other. The U.S. Department of State has provided video before the meeting: see the Department of State here.
On Saturday, January 9, 2010, NPR spoke with Gheit about his visit: see
This is a devastating claim, and yet no media outlet is covering it. Remember, during Obama's campaign, I and others were excoriated for using his middle name. We were accused of implying he was a crypto-Muslim. We could not discuss his background, his Islamic schooling, his ties to Islam. However, I have meticulously documented his Muslim background in my soon-to-be-released book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America.
It became all too clear after his election how proud Obama was of his Muslim name, background, and family. He made this plain when he gave his very first interview to Muslim media and boasted of these things. He suddenly became proud of the very things that were verboten to speak of during the campaign. That was the level of deceit and obfuscation.
If Gheit's reported claim is true, then Obama is a baldfaced liar. But why? Why lie if you have nothing to hide?
Of course, if Obama believes himself a Muslim, then his prior behavior constituted taqiya -- deception or lies to advance Islam. This he performed brilliantly during his election: He lied with brazen contempt. And now his Islamic Jew-hatred is made painfully clear in his stunning rebuke of Israel. In Israel Today, political analyst Aviel Schneider exposes some of the further implications of Gheit's claim:
That could explain why Obama has instructed that the term "Islamic extremism" no longer be used in official government documents and statements. Furthermore, the US is now accusing Israel of harming American interests in the Middle East. General David Petraeus, the head of US Central Command, said Israel's intransigence on resolving the conflict with the Palestinians is endangering US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even the US Congress considers Obama's behavior toward Netanyahu humiliating. Three-quarters of the House of Representatives, 337 of 435 members, signed a bipartisan letter to Clinton expressing "deep concern over recent tension" between the two countries, and demanding that it be smoothed over quickly and in private.
"Obama is a real problem for Israel," a senior official told told Yediot. "He is Israel's biggest strategic catastrophe." The newspaper also quoted another official who believes that for the first time Washington has switched sides. "The Obama White House is putting pressure only on Israel but does not expect anything from the Palestinians," he said. "These American demands are unacceptable."
Is it any wonder that Obama's counterterror adviser speaks Arabic, calls Jerusalem "Al-Quds," and calls jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam"?
We know that Gheit met with Obama in April 2010 in D.C. -- check out White, which lists Gheit as one of the attendees of a "Nuclear Security Summit" at that time. And they met more than once. Gheit had a private meeting with Obama in May 2009.
Worse yet, Gheit just last month called Israel "the enemy." This after Israel gave them the Sinai (which Israel had won in a defensive war and defended through another one) with all its oil in return for "peace."
How plausible is Gheit's reported claim about Obama? Let's review Obama's track record:
March 2009: Obama declares the "war on terror" is over, despite a dramatic increase in jihad war ops.
March 2009: he floats the idea that he will talk to violent, genocidal Hamas.
March 2009: he demands that more Muslim Americans work in the Obama administration and insists that they be recruited.
April 2009: Obama tells Europe to admit Islamic Turkey into the EU, much to the consternation of the Europeans.
April 2009: Obama demands that non-Muslims respect Islam (despite our differences) in a speech in Turkey.
April 2009: Obama says in a speech from Turkey, "We are not a Christian nation."
April 2009: Dalia Mogahed, the first hijab-clad senior adviser to Obama on Muslim affairs, says in an interview with terrorist- and jihad-supporting Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi's website, "Many have claimed that terrorists have 'hijacked Islam.' I disagree. I think Islam is safe and thriving in the lives of Muslims around the world. What the terrorists have been allowed to take over are Muslim grievances."
April 2009: Obama lays groundwork for a partnership with Hamas.
May 2009: Obama promises to offer his "personal commitment" to Muslims.
May 2009: Obama calls America "one of the largest Muslim countries on the planet."
June 2009: Obama invites the Muslim Brotherhood, a violent global jihadist group whose sole objective is a universal caliphate, to his speech to the ummah (Muslim community) in Cairo.
June 2009: Obama makes a stunning speech to the Muslim world from Al Azhar University in Cairo. It defies explanation.
July 2009: Obama reaches out to the violent jihadists of Hezb'allah.
July 2009: Obama creates a new office at the State Department, Outreach to the Worldwide Muslim community, reporting directly to Hillary Clinton.
July 2009: The State Department Welcomes Hamas mouthpiece Al-Quds TV to D.C. to filmpPropaganda.
Obama promises to close GITMO.
Obama is rebuked when plans are revealed for CIA prosecutions for 911 interrogations: Seven Ex-chiefs of CIA Oppose Case Review: ALL Sign letter to Stop CIA Persecutions.
In July 2009, Obama sanctions the brutal crackdown of those marching for freedom in Iran and sides with the mullahcracy. He stands silent about the Iranian regime's mass executions, mass rape, and murder.
July 2009: Obama plans to slash the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
September 2009: Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton on Obama at the U.N.: "This is the most radical anti-Israel speech I can recall any president making...I have to say I was very shaken by this speech."
October 2009: Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund.
November 2009, Fort Hood Jihad Coverup: Obama Urges Congress To Put Off Fort Hood Probe, Warns Against Turning Tragedy Into "Political Theater"
November 2009: Obama offers the Taliban control of the Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Kunar, and Nuristan provinces, in return for a halt to the Taliban missile attacks on U.S. bases.
November 2009: Obama reaches out to bloodthirsty jihadis in the Philippines.
On Thanksgiving eve, Obama issues a special Hajj message to the world's Muslims.
December 2009: Obama's "Non-Religious" White House Christmas and No Christmas Gifts for his Kids.
February 2010: Obama names a Hafiz to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. "And as a hafiz of the Koran, [Hussain] is a respected member of the American Muslim community," Obama said in his message to the Doha meeting, using the Arabic world for someone who has memorized the Islamic holy book.
February 2010: Obama cuts U.S. space program, orders NASA to work with Muslim countries
February 2010: Covering up for jihadists in the White House.
Obama's counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, Involved in Obama Passport Breach
March 2010: Obama Obsession with Islam: Calls "entrepreneurship summit" with Muslims.
April 2010: Libyan President Gaddafi Praises Obama: "Barakeh Obama is friend"; "He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported..."
May 2010: Obama's Counterterrorism Adviser Calls Jihad "Legitimate Tenet of Islam."
May 2010: White House Pro-Terrorism John Brennan Speechifies in Arabic, Equates Terrorists with Shoplifters, Lawmakers Call for his Firing.
June 2010: Obama equivocates on the jihad warship convoy (affectionately named a "flotilla" by the media): Obama "Expressed a Deep Regret Over Loss of [Jihadist] Life"
June 2010: Obama administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at U.N.
And earlier this week, Obama became the first president to host a press conference with the American flag nowhere in sight.
Ouch. What a disgrace.
Now: will the lapdog media make Obama address Gheit's claim?
The American people deserve answers. But whether or not what Gheit reportedly says is true, Obama's pro-jihad track record is clear.Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs website and former associate publisher of the New York Observer. She is the author of The Post-American Presidency (coming July 27 from Simon & Schuster).

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