
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Please We need your help in order to support newcomers

Dec 25, 2009

Dear All

Happy New Year & Merry Christmas

In order to help and support newcomers and also the people those are expecting to acquire an immigration visa from back home

We especially support people in these professions:

Medical doctor


If you have finished your exams and have gotten your license in the last three years,

If you have any notes or summary (especially computerized ones) or any names of text books even any advice or information might can help your colleague from the newcomers

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am Inviting and encouraging you to help and serve his brothers

Never God will forget your sacrificing and your support

You are most welcome to join our group

Many thanks and God Bless you all and your families all days

Our Services:

Immigration Information Services:

Supporting the people that they have an application's file for Canada immigration: (supporting them while they are still in Egypt or other country) in different issues;

Education and studying: Preparing the Resume & covering letter, Interview tips, Job Search,
Information about Studying, Schools, Universities, Professionals Associations and Studying Material for Professionals also studying programs for adult
Applying for schools, day car for kids

Different Life Issues: Renting House or Buying, , Car Insurance, Home Insurance, Life Insurance and disability insurance, death insurance, well, yearly filling income tax, Banking, transportation; Buying Car used or new, driver license exam and driver book study

After arriving: Doing all paper work and fill out all necessary forms e.g.: applying to SIN (Social Insurance #, Health Care, child tax benefits

مركز خدمة المهاجر الى كندا: خدمة هذا المهاجر من كل النواحى الممكنة من قبل وصولة الى كندا
وذلك من خلال الأتصالات حتى عند وصولة لا يتعثر كى لا يتعطل كثيرا بل يكون جاهز للعمل أو الدراسة
وذلك بدراسة كل حالة على حدة وتوجيهة فى اعداد الأوراق المطلوبة بدقة سواء فى مجال الدراسة من مدارس او جامعة ودراسات عليا أو امتحانات اللغة وارشادة فى أخذ بعض الكورسات وايضا اعداد البيانات الشخصية وكيفية البحث عن العمل وامور كثيرة اخري والتي سوف توفر لة كثيرا من الدولارات والوقت والضغوط النفسية
كدلك بأمدادة ببعض الكتب والأوراق الدراسية من خلال وجود مركز لنا فى مصر
سوف نتعاون مع نيافة الحبر الجليل الأنبا باخوميوس أسقف البحيرة وتوابعها من أجل هذة الخدمة
سوف نؤسس لهذا الغرض Web Sit
هذة الخدمة اقدمها بصفة سخصية مع من ينضم لها


Our Group will be connection with our Beloved Father the holiness of Bishop Bakhomious – Al Bahara Egypt

We need for our group some people are very fast in typing

Also we some people to review and edit the final edition of our work... every one in his profession

Please if you know some body interesting to help in this project forward this email to them

For any update please contact me or see:

Thanks and Happy New Year & Merry X-mass

Please Contact:

Mikhail Gouda


معلومات لمساعدة المهاجر الجديد الى كندا

Immigration Information Services Centers

1. Education Mission:

· Helping the youth from back home to get grants or scholarships from our Canadian university for advanced education

· Helping new people from back home to immigrate to Canada

We need to create Coptic syndicates

Coptic medical groups in different medical braches across the United Estate and Canada: Medicin, Dentist, Veterinary and Pharmacist including the people work as university staff

Coptic Group of Lawyers and

2. Supporting Mission

Resource information Services

Communication's Channels: قنوات أتصال

Create a Communication's Channels by Email, Fax, Telephone & Internet Chat rooms

1. Establish a Resource information Services in Canada (just a web site with several people)

2. Establish a service centers as many as you can (in Alexandria, Cairo and all or some Parishes)

Just a little office that have a part time officer with affordable salary

The office should have:

Telephone Line,
Computer & Internet services,
Photocopy Machine
Printer, Scanner & Fax Machine
Tables and chairs

Preparing & supporting program
to those people that they are going to hold an immigration Visa to Canada

By help them to be ready to start immediately working or studying once they arrive to Canada; Also advising them for what they have to do for any necessary courses or training

Necessary training (e.g.: English or French, Typing & computer courses for MS Office, engineering software (auto cad) Graphic soft ware, accounting & Tax software

Medical courses (Medicine, Dental, Veterinary and Pharmacist)

Engineering Courses: Computer software, engineering subjects, programming sofstware

Accounting Courses: Computerized accounting programs software also tax courses and software

Teaching Courses:Verbatim work (handy man jobs) Electricians, Plumping, wilding, Mechanic, Carpenter and …..

Coptic Syndicates in Canada:

Supplying the tools and materials

Provide them with all information about every thing for all what they need
Continue education institutes

Prepare their Resume and how to do interview and to look for job

Driver Licence book,

All credential certificates : Try to evaluated for them - and make them almost ready to get training or work or study plus our service when coming to Canada by receiving them from the airport.

(This little centre need photocopy machine & some Computersn, printer, scanner, some references for TOEFL & ILET Preparation exams plus some computer courses. also some references for professionals
This centre in Egypt we can do this service through a website by having a section named Canadian Immigration’s information services


What do you need to know?

Section One

1. Before Receiving the Visa

Courses: English, Computers, Typing, Dental Treatments and other Belonging

2. After Receiving the Immigration Visa

What you have to bring with you? Your Document Your personal belongs and your cargo
also a list of Contact In formations

3. Arriving to the Canadian Airport

Section Two

Immediate Needs:
4. Residence

You have to arrange for:
Who will receive you in the airport?
And where you will stay either for temporary staying or for long term?
Who you will contact?: Church , Priest, YMCA, Relative, Friend or some body else

4.0. Hotel or Motel
4.1. Rent
4.2. Buying
4.3. Insurance

5. Paper Work:

5.1. Social Insurance Number (SIN)

5.2. Health Care Card No

5.3. Child Tax benefit and GST (Not urgent)

6. Contact Information:

6.1. Permanent Residential Address

6.2. Telephone Number - ground Line or Mobile

6.3. Email Address
6.4. Personal References: Name, Address, Telephone Numbers Work & Home and occupation

6.5. Facilities: Computer, Internet Services, Fax machine

7. Transportation

7.1. Bus - Daily, Weekly, Monthly Pass Bus

7. 2. Driver License:

- Driver’s License Test
- Basic License Driver’s Hand Book
- Registry Office

7.3. Buying Car

- Lease car for only new ones
- Used
- New; in Cash or by loan
- Car Road Assistant

7.4. Insurance

8. Banking

8.1. Personal or Joint Saving Bank Account
8.2. Personal or Joint Cheuqing Bank Account
8.3. Visa Account – Joint
8.4. Over Draft
8.5 Holding five to 2 business days or no holding
8.4. Major Canadian Banks: CIBC, Royal Bank, TD bank, Bank of Montréal and Nova Scotia

9. Education



Continue Education



10. Skills
Computer skills

11. Work

12. Business

Government Support programs
Solo & Corporation

Section Three

Health Services:
13. Family Doctors

The first three month no health covers

Kids Vaccine

Complete Exam

Medicine Insurance

14. Dentist

15. Hospital and Emergency

Section Three

16. Lawyers
17. Insurance
18. Real State
19. Emergency 911
Section Four

20. Governmental Social Services

21. Yearly Filing Income Tax

22. Political

23. The Family Name

24. The Well

25. Cemetery

26. Shopping


House hold; New or Used, Moving sale, summer garage sale
Buying cash or by credit

27. Your Donation
28. Ethics:

How they can call you
Body language
Raise Voice
Giving an eye
Foster Home
Child Abuse
Wife Abuse
Love & Inviting a single women for Dinner not Lunch
29. Kids Age of 14, 16 and 18

30. Churches

31. Other Iformation and Paper Work

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