Or people saying they want to increase their prayer life?
Every day try and discover something new that God has given you that you have never noticed before and thank Him for it.
Try this year to be a more giving person instead of always thinking of what more you need.
Once you have Christ in your life, what more do you need? As Psalm 136 tells us, "His mercy endureth forever." Can you think of anything else in life that will last you forever? Christ is the One true light that will never fade.
I encourage each of you to learn from mistakes in the past and improve on them helping to increase your spiritual life.
Successful New Years Resolutions
We make resolutions at New Years because we innately want the next year to be better. The desire to be happy and to feel worthwhile is built into us. We want to succeed. Anything that we resolve to do that is life–changing, is very difficult. As the saying goes, “We are creatures of habit.” It takes more than good intentions to change a habit. It takes thought and planning. This year, take your resolutions, one at a time, and break them down into small steps that, when put together, will make them attainable and will change your life.
Get a piece of paper and write down your goals. Under each one, write down what that goal means to you. Under each meaning, write the steps to achieving it.
Ask for help.
Prayer. Your Heavenly Father, the One who created you, wants you to be successful. Thank Him for helping you achieve it.
Partner. Find a friend or someone who has your best interests in mind. Ask God to send you someone. Ask that person to hold you accountable. They will occasionally ask you how you are doing or will ask you every day or every week. They may have a goal in mind that you can help them with.
Between meal snacks? - Pick up snacks that are low in calories and that are healthy. Get bottled water and choose that before the snack.
Lack of exercise
Use the treadmill at 6 a.m. everyday. I will take a day off on Sunday.
I will park farther out in the parking lot in order to walk more.
I will use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
Help others
I will give monetarily to charitable organizations.
I will give $20 per week.
I will write the check every Friday.
Help an elderly neighbor
Mow George’s lawn, without being asked every Saturday at 10:00.
Visit Edith every time I’m on my way to the store to ask what she needs.
I will do this on Monday.
Visit Judith every week on Thursday for at least 20 minutes to chat.
Serving at a soup kitchen.
I will go on the third Friday of every month.
What are your goal for next year?
Make your list.
Put it in writing and post a copy on your refrigerator or your computer or your bathroom mirror or all of those places.
Review it often.
You want to be successful.
I want you to be successful.
Most importantly,
God wants you to be successful.
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