(1) (This rule cannot be changed) The Coptic Orthodox Church is a Church foundedby St Mark the Evangelist and Apostle, in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, in the first century. Accordingly, the Coptic Orthodox Church is an Apostolic Church which believes that the head of the Church is the successor of St Mark the Apostle and as such is entrusted by God and the Church to oversee it and to preside over its Holy Synod, which is the highest priestly, legislative and executive authority in the Church1. Accordingly, the Coptic Orthodox Church is a hierarchical Church.
(2) (This rule cannot be changed) The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church is thePope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of the See of St Mark. The authority of the Pope and the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church extends to the entire See of St Mark, both inside and outside Egypt2.
(3) The Pope of Alexandria, as the successor of St Mark the Apostle, is the founder ofall the Churches in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions in New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory, until the ordination of a canonical Bishop for this Diocese.
(4) According to the practice of the Coptic Orthodox Church, a Diocese has the rightto nominate its Bishop, who is then ordained and appointed by the Pope of Alexandria for the care and administration of that Diocese. The Pope of Alexandria has the right to accept or refuse the nominee for the Diocese depending upon the worthiness of the candidate according to Church tradition and dogma.
(5) The Clerical Council of the Diocese is presided over by the Bishop, andcomposed of four other members who are canonical priests from the Diocese appointed to the Council by the Bishop. It acts for the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.
1 Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod, June 1985. Articles 1, 4, 8
2 Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod, June 1985. Articles 2, 6
The Bishop of the Diocese presides over the Clerical Council. The Clerical Council acts as the Church Court. Permanent and semi-permanent ecclesiastical punitive measures cannot be executed against any person in the Church unless investigated and ratified by the Clerical Council.
(6) The appeal board according to the traditions of the Coptic Orthodox Church is theClerical Council of the Diocese presided by the Bishop. The highest appeal board is the General Clerical Council in Egypt presided by His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria. The highest appeal board is the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, which has the right to accept or refuse this final appeal. Any member of the Church can make an appeal. The Bishop also has the right to refer the case to the higher appeal boards, which have the right to be received and change the primary decisions of lower appeal boards. A written application has to be received by the Clerical Council of the Diocese to investigate the matter, upon which an investigation will be carried out.
(7) In the case of dispute between a member and the Diocese, His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria will appoint a mediator.
(8) According to the Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod (article 51), “TheSynodical Committee for the Coptic Churches in immigration” is formed and presided by His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria from among the members of the Holy Synod, to assist him in marshalling the affairs of the Churches abroad which have no Bishop, or which become vacant of its Bishop.
(9) In accordance with the traditions of the Church and the provisions of the laws ofthe Holy Synod, the Pope is the responsible Bishop of all new Dioceses during the foundation period until Bishops are ordained for such Diocese. He is also the head of all Bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the entire See of St Mark both inside and outside of Egypt.
(10) The Bishop of a Diocese is a member of the Holy Synod and is bound by its lawsand is accountable to it. This Bishop, together with the other members of the Holy Synod constitute members of one body in the holy Apostolic Church and specifically in the Coptic Orthodox Church, which is headed by the Pope of Alexandria.
(2) (This rule cannot be changed) The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church is thePope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of the See of St Mark. The authority of the Pope and the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church extends to the entire See of St Mark, both inside and outside Egypt2.
(3) The Pope of Alexandria, as the successor of St Mark the Apostle, is the founder ofall the Churches in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions in New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory, until the ordination of a canonical Bishop for this Diocese.
(4) According to the practice of the Coptic Orthodox Church, a Diocese has the rightto nominate its Bishop, who is then ordained and appointed by the Pope of Alexandria for the care and administration of that Diocese. The Pope of Alexandria has the right to accept or refuse the nominee for the Diocese depending upon the worthiness of the candidate according to Church tradition and dogma.
(5) The Clerical Council of the Diocese is presided over by the Bishop, andcomposed of four other members who are canonical priests from the Diocese appointed to the Council by the Bishop. It acts for the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.
1 Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod, June 1985. Articles 1, 4, 8
2 Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod, June 1985. Articles 2, 6
The Bishop of the Diocese presides over the Clerical Council. The Clerical Council acts as the Church Court. Permanent and semi-permanent ecclesiastical punitive measures cannot be executed against any person in the Church unless investigated and ratified by the Clerical Council.
(6) The appeal board according to the traditions of the Coptic Orthodox Church is theClerical Council of the Diocese presided by the Bishop. The highest appeal board is the General Clerical Council in Egypt presided by His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria. The highest appeal board is the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, which has the right to accept or refuse this final appeal. Any member of the Church can make an appeal. The Bishop also has the right to refer the case to the higher appeal boards, which have the right to be received and change the primary decisions of lower appeal boards. A written application has to be received by the Clerical Council of the Diocese to investigate the matter, upon which an investigation will be carried out.
(7) In the case of dispute between a member and the Diocese, His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria will appoint a mediator.
(8) According to the Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod (article 51), “TheSynodical Committee for the Coptic Churches in immigration” is formed and presided by His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria from among the members of the Holy Synod, to assist him in marshalling the affairs of the Churches abroad which have no Bishop, or which become vacant of its Bishop.
(9) In accordance with the traditions of the Church and the provisions of the laws ofthe Holy Synod, the Pope is the responsible Bishop of all new Dioceses during the foundation period until Bishops are ordained for such Diocese. He is also the head of all Bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the entire See of St Mark both inside and outside of Egypt.
(10) The Bishop of a Diocese is a member of the Holy Synod and is bound by its lawsand is accountable to it. This Bishop, together with the other members of the Holy Synod constitute members of one body in the holy Apostolic Church and specifically in the Coptic Orthodox Church, which is headed by the Pope of Alexandria.
(1) (This rule cannot be changed) Each Coptic Orthodox parish Church in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions is an indivisible part of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (Egypt) which has as its supreme head the Pope of Alexandria, and derives its authority to function in every respect from the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
(2) The Bishop shall appoint priests to serve the Churches in his Diocese from among the qualified persons in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions, or elsewhere in the See of St Mark. The members of the Church in whom the priest will serve should nominate those priests.
His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria has the right to transfer outside the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions any of the priests who are assigned by him from Egypt to serve in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.
In the event that the Bishop wishes to send back to Egypt any priest assigned by His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria from Egypt to serve in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions, he may do so only with the consent of the Pope of Alexandria.
If the priest is unaccepted by the majority of the spiritual members of the Church, the Bishop, together with the Clerical Council of the Diocese, will determine a suitable decision concerning the priest’s situation.
(2) The Bishop shall appoint priests to serve the Churches in his Diocese from among the qualified persons in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions, or elsewhere in the See of St Mark. The members of the Church in whom the priest will serve should nominate those priests.
His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria has the right to transfer outside the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions any of the priests who are assigned by him from Egypt to serve in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.
In the event that the Bishop wishes to send back to Egypt any priest assigned by His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria from Egypt to serve in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions, he may do so only with the consent of the Pope of Alexandria.
If the priest is unaccepted by the majority of the spiritual members of the Church, the Bishop, together with the Clerical Council of the Diocese, will determine a suitable decision concerning the priest’s situation.
(1) The Bishop is the responsible head of his Diocese and in accordance with the laws and traditions of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the priests and deacons cannot perform any act without his advice and approval, and they are bound by his spiritual and administrative advice3. The priests and deacons are accountable to the Bishop of the Diocese where they are serving. The Bishop is responsible for organising their affairs and activities in accordance with the best interest of each parish Church. He cannot render any judgement on any priest or full deacon except through the Clerical Council of the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.
(2) The General Board is an advisory body, which assist the Bishop in determining the needs of the parish Churches in his Diocese; spiritual as well as financial.
The Bishop presides over the General Board of his Diocese. The members of the General Board are the presidents, the secretaries, the treasurers of the Boards of each parish Church in the Diocese, and the general superintendent of Sunday Schools.
The Bishop shall convene the General Board at least once every calendar month and shall appoint a secretary for this Board who is to keep the Board’s library.
(3) The Bishop of each Diocese is the head of the Churches in his Diocese and is responsible for all the parish Churches, the priests, the Sunday Schools, the seminaries, the schools, the elderly homes and any other projects belonging to his Diocese with the understanding that all Coptic Orthodox monasteries, seminaries and convents, worldwide are under the supreme spiritual authority of His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria, even if the said properties are owned by the Diocese4. He is also responsible for all spiritual, financial and administrative matters in his Diocese and in all the parish Churches in his Diocese.
3 Nicean and Post Nicean Fathers op-cit., p596
Apostolic Canon No. 39 states:
“Let not the presbyters or deacons do anything without the sanction of the Bishop; for it is he who is entrusted with the people of the Lord, and of whom will be required the account of their souls.”
Apostolic Canon No. 41 states:
“We ordain that the bishop have authority over the goods of the Church; for if he is to be entrusted with the precious souls of men, much more are temporal possessions to be entrusted to him. He is therefore to administer them all of his own authority, and supply those who need through the presbyters and deacons in the fear of God, and with all reverence”
4 Article 58 in the Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod
(4) The Bishop defines the relationship between the parish Churches in his Diocese and sets up the boundaries of the services of each Church. As such, he can divide some of the parishes or combine others. He has the right to define the geographical boundary of each parish and the religious institutions attached to it, such as seminaries and schools.
The Pope of Alexandria is the supreme head of all monasteries, convents and seminaries in the entire See of St Mark. He has the right to assign these religious organisations to the Patriarchate in Alexandria, Egypt, or to the Diocese in which they are located.
(5) No new monastery, seminary or convent can be founded except with consent of His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria.
(6) The Bishop of the Diocese has sole and exclusive authority for, and power over the spiritual, financial and administrative matters in his Diocese.
The Bishop only has the right to dispose of any properties owned by the Churches in his Diocese for the good of the Church, pursuant to paragraph (7) below.
(7) In the event a Church building and/or related structure and adjoining property or any other real property of the Diocese is to be sold or mortgaged, the Bishop cannot take any action in that regard without written consent of the Pope of Alexandria.
(8) The Bishop may take a mortgage over a Church building and/or related structure and adjoining property, without the written consent of His Holiness the Pope, where the amount borrowed is not more than $150,000.00 per annum (with provision for an annual increase of 5% of this maximum). The Bishop may borrow up to that same amount again.
(9) Only the Bishop is entitled to purchase for the Diocese, for the seminary, for the schools, or for a Church in the Diocese any real estate property. No such property can be purchased without his consent.
(10) The Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions (in the NSW Property Trust) shall have the power to guarantee and indemnify, or assume any obligation for the payment of money or the performance of an agreement, contractual obligation or undertaking by the said Diocese and to secure the liability arising from any such guarantee, indemnity or obligation by charging or mortgaging any part of the property owned by the Diocese, except Houses of Worship or places for religious activity, (which are not in this respect schools, hostels and residences), as and when required, including any property which may be subsequently acquired by the Diocese.
(11) In the event a Church is dissolved, the Bishop decides within his Diocese the Church to which the property of such dissolved Church will be distributed.
In the event that the Diocese becomes vacant of its Bishop, the Pope of Alexandria will be responsible for all of the affairs of the Diocese.
(2) The General Board is an advisory body, which assist the Bishop in determining the needs of the parish Churches in his Diocese; spiritual as well as financial.
The Bishop presides over the General Board of his Diocese. The members of the General Board are the presidents, the secretaries, the treasurers of the Boards of each parish Church in the Diocese, and the general superintendent of Sunday Schools.
The Bishop shall convene the General Board at least once every calendar month and shall appoint a secretary for this Board who is to keep the Board’s library.
(3) The Bishop of each Diocese is the head of the Churches in his Diocese and is responsible for all the parish Churches, the priests, the Sunday Schools, the seminaries, the schools, the elderly homes and any other projects belonging to his Diocese with the understanding that all Coptic Orthodox monasteries, seminaries and convents, worldwide are under the supreme spiritual authority of His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria, even if the said properties are owned by the Diocese4. He is also responsible for all spiritual, financial and administrative matters in his Diocese and in all the parish Churches in his Diocese.
3 Nicean and Post Nicean Fathers op-cit., p596
Apostolic Canon No. 39 states:
“Let not the presbyters or deacons do anything without the sanction of the Bishop; for it is he who is entrusted with the people of the Lord, and of whom will be required the account of their souls.”
Apostolic Canon No. 41 states:
“We ordain that the bishop have authority over the goods of the Church; for if he is to be entrusted with the precious souls of men, much more are temporal possessions to be entrusted to him. He is therefore to administer them all of his own authority, and supply those who need through the presbyters and deacons in the fear of God, and with all reverence”
4 Article 58 in the Constitution and By-laws of the Holy Synod
(4) The Bishop defines the relationship between the parish Churches in his Diocese and sets up the boundaries of the services of each Church. As such, he can divide some of the parishes or combine others. He has the right to define the geographical boundary of each parish and the religious institutions attached to it, such as seminaries and schools.
The Pope of Alexandria is the supreme head of all monasteries, convents and seminaries in the entire See of St Mark. He has the right to assign these religious organisations to the Patriarchate in Alexandria, Egypt, or to the Diocese in which they are located.
(5) No new monastery, seminary or convent can be founded except with consent of His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria.
(6) The Bishop of the Diocese has sole and exclusive authority for, and power over the spiritual, financial and administrative matters in his Diocese.
The Bishop only has the right to dispose of any properties owned by the Churches in his Diocese for the good of the Church, pursuant to paragraph (7) below.
(7) In the event a Church building and/or related structure and adjoining property or any other real property of the Diocese is to be sold or mortgaged, the Bishop cannot take any action in that regard without written consent of the Pope of Alexandria.
(8) The Bishop may take a mortgage over a Church building and/or related structure and adjoining property, without the written consent of His Holiness the Pope, where the amount borrowed is not more than $150,000.00 per annum (with provision for an annual increase of 5% of this maximum). The Bishop may borrow up to that same amount again.
(9) Only the Bishop is entitled to purchase for the Diocese, for the seminary, for the schools, or for a Church in the Diocese any real estate property. No such property can be purchased without his consent.
(10) The Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions (in the NSW Property Trust) shall have the power to guarantee and indemnify, or assume any obligation for the payment of money or the performance of an agreement, contractual obligation or undertaking by the said Diocese and to secure the liability arising from any such guarantee, indemnity or obligation by charging or mortgaging any part of the property owned by the Diocese, except Houses of Worship or places for religious activity, (which are not in this respect schools, hostels and residences), as and when required, including any property which may be subsequently acquired by the Diocese.
(11) In the event a Church is dissolved, the Bishop decides within his Diocese the Church to which the property of such dissolved Church will be distributed.
In the event that the Diocese becomes vacant of its Bishop, the Pope of Alexandria will be responsible for all of the affairs of the Diocese.
(1) In the event a Bishop is to be ordained or appointed in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions, the boundaries of such Diocese shall be defined by the Pope of Alexandria and included in the official appointment (Canonical Praxis), which is to be signed by His Holiness the Pope.
If a Bishop is to be enthroned in his Diocese, His Holiness the Pope delegates some Bishops to enthrone the new Bishop.
(2) The Bishop is in charge of the ordination of the priests and deacons in his Diocese, consecrating Churches, altars, baptisteries, icons and all the vessels of the altar and is responsible for the religious services in his Diocese. He shepherds his people as he receives the shepherd’s staff from His Holiness the Pope. He shares with the Pope in his apostolic services and in ordaining new Bishops5, as he is also a member in the Holy Synod, as are all other Bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
(3) The Bishop attends the annual ordinary meetings of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church. He also attends the extra ordinary meetings, as long as he receives notice in sufficient time to travel to the place where the Holy Synod is convening.
(4) The Bishop is accountable to the Holy Synod. The Holy Synod being the highest canonical authority in the Church has the right to try any Bishop, as well as any person who holds a priestly rank or any layman, if accused of going against the Church or its teachings6.
The Holy Synod may depose the Bishop where he is found guilty according to the canon laws of the Coptic Orthodox Church. In this case it is understood that his membership in the Holy Synod consequently ceases, and he cannot carry on his responsibilities as a Bishop7.
The Holy Synod also has the right to review the acts of the Bishop and take any appropriate action in accordance with the traditions of the Church.
5 Constitutions and By-laws of the Holy Synod June 1985, articles (7) and (9)
6 ibid 7 ibid
(5) In the event a Bishop dies or the seat of his Diocese becomes vacant for any of the reasons mentioned in the laws of the Holy Synod, the Pope of Alexandria will have the right to replace him for the same Diocese. He can divided his Diocese into any number of Dioceses and define the geographical boundaries, Churches, properties and religions organisations attached to them, and ordain one Bishop for each Diocese.
(6) On the Bishop’s death, the Patriarchate and/or any other person or entity, does not inherit any property, real estate or personal, relating to his ecclesiastical office. They belong to and are bequeathed to their respective Diocese, even if such property is bequeathed in Will made by the Bishop. The Pope becomes the fiduciary of the property left by the Bishop until it has been handed over to his successor or successors, taking into account the provisions of the preceding paragraph (5).
(7) Any property, real estate or personal purchased by the Bishop after his ordination shall be in all cases owned by his Diocese unless otherwise stated in writing by His Holiness the Pope.
(8) A Bishop may appoint a vicar or deputy for his Diocese to be in charge of some of his obligations during his absence or inability to act. His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria may select a Papal ex-arch, a vicar or a deputy for any Diocese as long as no Bishop has been appointed to such Diocese. In some cases, the Bishop may appoint a vicar or deputy in each Church in his Diocese, as the need may arise.
If a Bishop is to be enthroned in his Diocese, His Holiness the Pope delegates some Bishops to enthrone the new Bishop.
(2) The Bishop is in charge of the ordination of the priests and deacons in his Diocese, consecrating Churches, altars, baptisteries, icons and all the vessels of the altar and is responsible for the religious services in his Diocese. He shepherds his people as he receives the shepherd’s staff from His Holiness the Pope. He shares with the Pope in his apostolic services and in ordaining new Bishops5, as he is also a member in the Holy Synod, as are all other Bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
(3) The Bishop attends the annual ordinary meetings of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church. He also attends the extra ordinary meetings, as long as he receives notice in sufficient time to travel to the place where the Holy Synod is convening.
(4) The Bishop is accountable to the Holy Synod. The Holy Synod being the highest canonical authority in the Church has the right to try any Bishop, as well as any person who holds a priestly rank or any layman, if accused of going against the Church or its teachings6.
The Holy Synod may depose the Bishop where he is found guilty according to the canon laws of the Coptic Orthodox Church. In this case it is understood that his membership in the Holy Synod consequently ceases, and he cannot carry on his responsibilities as a Bishop7.
The Holy Synod also has the right to review the acts of the Bishop and take any appropriate action in accordance with the traditions of the Church.
5 Constitutions and By-laws of the Holy Synod June 1985, articles (7) and (9)
6 ibid 7 ibid
(5) In the event a Bishop dies or the seat of his Diocese becomes vacant for any of the reasons mentioned in the laws of the Holy Synod, the Pope of Alexandria will have the right to replace him for the same Diocese. He can divided his Diocese into any number of Dioceses and define the geographical boundaries, Churches, properties and religions organisations attached to them, and ordain one Bishop for each Diocese.
(6) On the Bishop’s death, the Patriarchate and/or any other person or entity, does not inherit any property, real estate or personal, relating to his ecclesiastical office. They belong to and are bequeathed to their respective Diocese, even if such property is bequeathed in Will made by the Bishop. The Pope becomes the fiduciary of the property left by the Bishop until it has been handed over to his successor or successors, taking into account the provisions of the preceding paragraph (5).
(7) Any property, real estate or personal purchased by the Bishop after his ordination shall be in all cases owned by his Diocese unless otherwise stated in writing by His Holiness the Pope.
(8) A Bishop may appoint a vicar or deputy for his Diocese to be in charge of some of his obligations during his absence or inability to act. His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria may select a Papal ex-arch, a vicar or a deputy for any Diocese as long as no Bishop has been appointed to such Diocese. In some cases, the Bishop may appoint a vicar or deputy in each Church in his Diocese, as the need may arise.
(1) Parish Churches shall:
A. Promote a Christian way of life according to the faith and doctrines of the Coptic Orthodox Church through:
i. Administering the liturgy and the sacraments;
ii. The pastoral work of the clergy;
iii. Christian education, publication and Sunday Schools;
iv. Spiritual meetings and Bible study;
v. Group activities, such as cultural clubs, sports, religious plays, social gatherings, trips and similar activities;
vi. Running ethnic classes
vii. Social services to members of the Church and others everywhere
B. Co-operate and assist other Coptic Orthodox Churches
C. Carry on evangelistic and missionary work
D. Promote Christian unity all over the world guided by the work of the Holy Synod in this respect
E. Support by all possible means the Mother Church in Egypt.
A. Promote a Christian way of life according to the faith and doctrines of the Coptic Orthodox Church through:
i. Administering the liturgy and the sacraments;
ii. The pastoral work of the clergy;
iii. Christian education, publication and Sunday Schools;
iv. Spiritual meetings and Bible study;
v. Group activities, such as cultural clubs, sports, religious plays, social gatherings, trips and similar activities;
vi. Running ethnic classes
vii. Social services to members of the Church and others everywhere
B. Co-operate and assist other Coptic Orthodox Churches
C. Carry on evangelistic and missionary work
D. Promote Christian unity all over the world guided by the work of the Holy Synod in this respect
E. Support by all possible means the Mother Church in Egypt.
1) Introduction and definitions
i. The Board of Deacons of each parish shall consist of the priest or priests of the Church and of deacons selected in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
ii. According to Biblical teaching and the Apostolic Canon laws, the Bishop is the person who is in charge of the affairs of all the Churches in his Diocese, whether they are spiritual, administrative or financial. No decisions are to be taken or executed by the Board of Deacons without his consent. The Bishop may charge the priests and deacons to assist him in carrying out some of his responsibilities within the common laws of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
iii. Each member of the Board of Deacons shall serve for a term of three years or until his successor is duly appointed (see Rule 9 (12)).
iv. The Board of Deacons, by virtue of its member’s ecclesiastical status, will work in such manner as to assist the Bishop in carrying out his responsibilities.
2) Selection of the Board of Deacons A. Introduction
i. The Bishop, or his duly appointed representative, attends the meetings at which the members of the Board of Deacons are selected. No layman is acclaimed to be a member of the board of Deacons unless he is at least ordained as a reader or a subdeacon.
ii. The Board of Deacons is responsible for the financial and administrative aspects only, while the spiritual services are entirely entrusted to the clergy.
iii. The clergy includes three categories in the Church, namely, the Bishop (with all the ranks of this office), the priest (with all ranks), and the full deacon including the archdeacon.
B. Notice of Nomination
An announcement of the date of nomination shall be made after the delivery of the sermon on the Sunday at least two weeks prior to the date of selecting the members of the Board of Deacons by the Bishop. The announcement is then repeated the following Sunday after delivery of the sermon. In addition, a written notice is to be affixed on the announcement board or bulletin in the Church at least two weeks prior to the date, at which the members of the Board of Deacons will be nominated by the spiritual members of the Church selected by the Bishop.
C. The Manner of Collecting the Acclamation, Nomination and Final Selection of the Board of Deacons
i. The Manner of Collecting the Acclamations and Final Nominations: A preliminary acclamation is prepared and must be signed by at least seven spiritual members of the Church. The acclamation is then presented to the Bishop for his provisional approval. If approved, the nomination is presented to the rest of the congregation for election.
ii. The nominee must then obtain 50% or more of the votes from the spiritual members of the Church at an election.
iii. The Bishop of the Diocese will select from this nomination six or more deacons to serve with him and/or with the priest or priests as members of the Board of Deacons. If there is no Bishop for the Diocese, then His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria or his delegate will select from this acclamation. These members then and only then form the Board of Deacons.
iv. Objections to the nomination may be presented within one week and must be in writing to the Bishop, who has the sole jurisdiction for the final selection for the Board of Deacons, and the selection is made final by the decree of the Bishop, also made in writing.
D. Spiritual Membership
In order for a member of the Church to be considered a spiritual member it is recognised that participating in the Holy Communion at least once a month, and having a father of confession approved by the Bishop, together with other conditions mentioned below (paragraph E), are conditions for that consideration. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide membership cards for each Church to be signed by the father of confession at least one month prior to the elections, to identify the spiritual members who desire to participate in the acclamation. If difficulties arise in obtaining signed cards, an appeal can be offered to the Bishop whose decision is final. The Bishop has the right to approve the signatures of any spiritual members whether or not they have such cards. Fees are not payable by the spiritual members towards the elections.
i. A member of the Board of Deacons, a member of any Church committee, andeach spiritual member of the Church who has the right to acclaim deacons, priest and Bishops should be:
a) A zealous Christian Coptic Orthodox over 18 years old;
b) Obeying Coptic Orthodox Church rules concerning dogmas, and free from ecclesiastical ex-communication;
c) A regular attendant of Church services and meetings;
d) Practicing confession and partakes at least monthly of the Holy Communion in the Church;
e) Known for his piety and services to the Church;
f) Should not be a member of any other non-Coptic Orthodox religious organisation or fraternal order.
ii. Each person nominated and going to be selected by the Bishop to membershipon the Board of Deacons has to sign the following vow:
“I (...) do solemnly vow that I will uphold the doctrines, teachings, traditions, rites, holy canons, worship and all principles of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria as well as the Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions. I will fulfil faithfully and sincerely the duties and obligations required of me as a member of the Church Board of Deacons, under the leadership and guidance of our honoured Bishop. I will remain obedient and submissive to His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria and His grace our Bishop, respecting the priesthood at all times. So help me God.”
iii. The members of the Board of Deacons must be respectable spiritual membersof the Coptic Orthodox Church in the parish, free of hypocrisy, with good moral character and spiritual behaviour. They must be partaking of the Holy Communion and all other religious requirements. They must be over 21 years of age and must attend the Divine Liturgies, at least 50% of the Sundays each year. The Bishop will make the evaluation and approve the preliminary acclamations on that basis. Furthermore, the Bishop will evaluate any objections presented and determine their accuracy. In his absence, his duly appointed representative will attend to these affairs. The Bishop may elect to appoint a committee to examine and make recommendation to him concerning these affairs.
iv. It is prohibited that the Board of Deacons contain more than two persons whoare related to each other up to the third degree. The Bishop has the right to make an exception to this rule by a written decree in the event he determines that the best interest of the Church so requires.
v. It is prohibited that a person be a member of the Board of Deacons of morethan one parish at the same time.
E. Meetings
i. The president priest shall open each meeting of the Board with prayer.
ii. The Board of Deacons of each parish shall meet regularly at least once amonth. At the end of each meeting, the Board shall set a date and a time for the succeeding meeting. Notice of each meeting shall be given at least seven days prior to the meeting date. The notice shall include an agenda of items to be discussed or requiring approval by the Board.
iii. A quorum for the transaction of all business is constituted by the presence ofone-half of the number of members of the Board. Decisions are to be made only by an absolute majority of the members present at the meeting. There shall be no proxy voting.
iv. Notwithstanding Rule 6 (1) B, in case the Board of Deacons adopts aresolution and a member of the Board feels that it is not in the best interest of the Church, he may, with notice to the secretary, refer that matter to the Bishop with a request that he gives his decision in this respect. The approval of the Bishop is necessary for the resolution to be valid.
v. In the case of the absence of some members of the Board from a meeting,resolutions taken in such meeting should not be executed until those members are notified.
vi. A report should be sent to the Bishop within 48 hours after each meeting of the Board including all the resolutions taken at this meeting.
vii. In the case of absence of any member of the Board for three consecutivemeetings without an excuse acceptable to the Board, the Bishop should be notified and may consider his absence as an unwritten resignation and a substitute shall be appointed according to the rules provided in this Constitution.
viii. A list of all spiritual members of the Church is to be prepared by the Board ofDeacons and placed in the file of the Board of Deacons. A copy of this list is to be sent to the Bishop who can adjust the list and approve it. The list can be changed at any time by decision of the Bishop. New spiritual members are added regularly to the list following the same rules.
ix. A list of the entire membership of the Church is to be prepared by the Board of Deacons following the same procedure set forth in the foregoing paragraph (G).
x. Both lists referred to in paragraph (G) and (H) above, must be signed bythe priest.
i. The Board of Deacons of each parish shall consist of the priest or priests of the Church and of deacons selected in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
ii. According to Biblical teaching and the Apostolic Canon laws, the Bishop is the person who is in charge of the affairs of all the Churches in his Diocese, whether they are spiritual, administrative or financial. No decisions are to be taken or executed by the Board of Deacons without his consent. The Bishop may charge the priests and deacons to assist him in carrying out some of his responsibilities within the common laws of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
iii. Each member of the Board of Deacons shall serve for a term of three years or until his successor is duly appointed (see Rule 9 (12)).
iv. The Board of Deacons, by virtue of its member’s ecclesiastical status, will work in such manner as to assist the Bishop in carrying out his responsibilities.
2) Selection of the Board of Deacons A. Introduction
i. The Bishop, or his duly appointed representative, attends the meetings at which the members of the Board of Deacons are selected. No layman is acclaimed to be a member of the board of Deacons unless he is at least ordained as a reader or a subdeacon.
ii. The Board of Deacons is responsible for the financial and administrative aspects only, while the spiritual services are entirely entrusted to the clergy.
iii. The clergy includes three categories in the Church, namely, the Bishop (with all the ranks of this office), the priest (with all ranks), and the full deacon including the archdeacon.
B. Notice of Nomination
An announcement of the date of nomination shall be made after the delivery of the sermon on the Sunday at least two weeks prior to the date of selecting the members of the Board of Deacons by the Bishop. The announcement is then repeated the following Sunday after delivery of the sermon. In addition, a written notice is to be affixed on the announcement board or bulletin in the Church at least two weeks prior to the date, at which the members of the Board of Deacons will be nominated by the spiritual members of the Church selected by the Bishop.
C. The Manner of Collecting the Acclamation, Nomination and Final Selection of the Board of Deacons
i. The Manner of Collecting the Acclamations and Final Nominations: A preliminary acclamation is prepared and must be signed by at least seven spiritual members of the Church. The acclamation is then presented to the Bishop for his provisional approval. If approved, the nomination is presented to the rest of the congregation for election.
ii. The nominee must then obtain 50% or more of the votes from the spiritual members of the Church at an election.
iii. The Bishop of the Diocese will select from this nomination six or more deacons to serve with him and/or with the priest or priests as members of the Board of Deacons. If there is no Bishop for the Diocese, then His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria or his delegate will select from this acclamation. These members then and only then form the Board of Deacons.
iv. Objections to the nomination may be presented within one week and must be in writing to the Bishop, who has the sole jurisdiction for the final selection for the Board of Deacons, and the selection is made final by the decree of the Bishop, also made in writing.
D. Spiritual Membership
In order for a member of the Church to be considered a spiritual member it is recognised that participating in the Holy Communion at least once a month, and having a father of confession approved by the Bishop, together with other conditions mentioned below (paragraph E), are conditions for that consideration. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide membership cards for each Church to be signed by the father of confession at least one month prior to the elections, to identify the spiritual members who desire to participate in the acclamation. If difficulties arise in obtaining signed cards, an appeal can be offered to the Bishop whose decision is final. The Bishop has the right to approve the signatures of any spiritual members whether or not they have such cards. Fees are not payable by the spiritual members towards the elections.
i. A member of the Board of Deacons, a member of any Church committee, andeach spiritual member of the Church who has the right to acclaim deacons, priest and Bishops should be:
a) A zealous Christian Coptic Orthodox over 18 years old;
b) Obeying Coptic Orthodox Church rules concerning dogmas, and free from ecclesiastical ex-communication;
c) A regular attendant of Church services and meetings;
d) Practicing confession and partakes at least monthly of the Holy Communion in the Church;
e) Known for his piety and services to the Church;
f) Should not be a member of any other non-Coptic Orthodox religious organisation or fraternal order.
ii. Each person nominated and going to be selected by the Bishop to membershipon the Board of Deacons has to sign the following vow:
“I (...) do solemnly vow that I will uphold the doctrines, teachings, traditions, rites, holy canons, worship and all principles of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria as well as the Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions. I will fulfil faithfully and sincerely the duties and obligations required of me as a member of the Church Board of Deacons, under the leadership and guidance of our honoured Bishop. I will remain obedient and submissive to His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria and His grace our Bishop, respecting the priesthood at all times. So help me God.”
iii. The members of the Board of Deacons must be respectable spiritual membersof the Coptic Orthodox Church in the parish, free of hypocrisy, with good moral character and spiritual behaviour. They must be partaking of the Holy Communion and all other religious requirements. They must be over 21 years of age and must attend the Divine Liturgies, at least 50% of the Sundays each year. The Bishop will make the evaluation and approve the preliminary acclamations on that basis. Furthermore, the Bishop will evaluate any objections presented and determine their accuracy. In his absence, his duly appointed representative will attend to these affairs. The Bishop may elect to appoint a committee to examine and make recommendation to him concerning these affairs.
iv. It is prohibited that the Board of Deacons contain more than two persons whoare related to each other up to the third degree. The Bishop has the right to make an exception to this rule by a written decree in the event he determines that the best interest of the Church so requires.
v. It is prohibited that a person be a member of the Board of Deacons of morethan one parish at the same time.
E. Meetings
i. The president priest shall open each meeting of the Board with prayer.
ii. The Board of Deacons of each parish shall meet regularly at least once amonth. At the end of each meeting, the Board shall set a date and a time for the succeeding meeting. Notice of each meeting shall be given at least seven days prior to the meeting date. The notice shall include an agenda of items to be discussed or requiring approval by the Board.
iii. A quorum for the transaction of all business is constituted by the presence ofone-half of the number of members of the Board. Decisions are to be made only by an absolute majority of the members present at the meeting. There shall be no proxy voting.
iv. Notwithstanding Rule 6 (1) B, in case the Board of Deacons adopts aresolution and a member of the Board feels that it is not in the best interest of the Church, he may, with notice to the secretary, refer that matter to the Bishop with a request that he gives his decision in this respect. The approval of the Bishop is necessary for the resolution to be valid.
v. In the case of the absence of some members of the Board from a meeting,resolutions taken in such meeting should not be executed until those members are notified.
vi. A report should be sent to the Bishop within 48 hours after each meeting of the Board including all the resolutions taken at this meeting.
vii. In the case of absence of any member of the Board for three consecutivemeetings without an excuse acceptable to the Board, the Bishop should be notified and may consider his absence as an unwritten resignation and a substitute shall be appointed according to the rules provided in this Constitution.
viii. A list of all spiritual members of the Church is to be prepared by the Board ofDeacons and placed in the file of the Board of Deacons. A copy of this list is to be sent to the Bishop who can adjust the list and approve it. The list can be changed at any time by decision of the Bishop. New spiritual members are added regularly to the list following the same rules.
ix. A list of the entire membership of the Church is to be prepared by the Board of Deacons following the same procedure set forth in the foregoing paragraph (G).
x. Both lists referred to in paragraph (G) and (H) above, must be signed bythe priest.
1) The Board of Deacons shall consist of:
a. President
b. Vice president
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer e. Members
The Board of Deacons shall consist of the priest or priests of the Church plus six deacons and one additional deacon for each additional priest in the event that more than one priest is assigned to the parish.
2) At the first meeting, the Board of Deacons of each parish shall meet with the Bishop or a person duly delegated by him in writing at which meeting the Bishop or his delegate shall select the vice president, the secretary and the treasurer on the basis of acclamations made by the members of the Board of Deacons. In addition, he may choose to act as president of the Board of Deacons or may appoint as president the most senior priest of the Church or any of the other priests of the Church.
The Bishop, after signing the structure of the new Board of Deacons, will call all present members of the Board to sign after him to ensure their acceptance to carry the responsibilities assigned by them and their consideration of all what was performed and approved by the Bishop concerning the Board. Absent members should sign at the nearest next meeting of the Board.
3) An auditor is to be appointed by the Bishop. His rights and duties are to audit the financial accounts of the parish.
a. President
b. Vice president
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer e. Members
The Board of Deacons shall consist of the priest or priests of the Church plus six deacons and one additional deacon for each additional priest in the event that more than one priest is assigned to the parish.
2) At the first meeting, the Board of Deacons of each parish shall meet with the Bishop or a person duly delegated by him in writing at which meeting the Bishop or his delegate shall select the vice president, the secretary and the treasurer on the basis of acclamations made by the members of the Board of Deacons. In addition, he may choose to act as president of the Board of Deacons or may appoint as president the most senior priest of the Church or any of the other priests of the Church.
The Bishop, after signing the structure of the new Board of Deacons, will call all present members of the Board to sign after him to ensure their acceptance to carry the responsibilities assigned by them and their consideration of all what was performed and approved by the Bishop concerning the Board. Absent members should sign at the nearest next meeting of the Board.
3) An auditor is to be appointed by the Bishop. His rights and duties are to audit the financial accounts of the parish.
1) The Board of Deacons headed by its president shall establish as many committees of the Church as it determines to be in the best interest of the parish, and shall appoint the members of each committee from among the spiritual members of the parish.
2) The Board of Deacons shall be notified of the actions and decisions of each committee.
3) Decisions of committees will not be put into effect unless the Board of Deacons approves them.
4) No committee may conduct any form of financial transactions or be permitted to establish bank accounts unless authorised by a decision of the Board of Deacons.
5) The annual budget of each committee will be established by the Board of Deacons.
6) In the event of the absence of any member of a committee for three consecutive meetings without an excuse acceptable to the committee, a substitute may be appointed by the Board of Deacons.
2) The Board of Deacons shall be notified of the actions and decisions of each committee.
3) Decisions of committees will not be put into effect unless the Board of Deacons approves them.
4) No committee may conduct any form of financial transactions or be permitted to establish bank accounts unless authorised by a decision of the Board of Deacons.
5) The annual budget of each committee will be established by the Board of Deacons.
6) In the event of the absence of any member of a committee for three consecutive meetings without an excuse acceptable to the committee, a substitute may be appointed by the Board of Deacons.
1) The president shall preside over all board meetings. In the case of the presence of the Bishop, the latter shall preside over the meeting. Either the Bishop or the presiding priest can call for an emergency meeting is he determines a need therefore. The president holds the right to attend any committee meeting ex officio.
2) The secretary of the Board of Deacons shall send a letter of authorisation approved and signed by the Bishop, to a bank to open a dual signature account for the Church with names of the members of the Board of Deacons authorised to sign.
3) The president, as head of his Church and by virtue of the ecclesiastical authority vested in him, shall guide and oversee the total Church program, and is ultimately responsible for the whole life and activities of his Church.
4) The vice president shall, in the absence of the president, perform the duties of the president.
5) The secretary shall keep record of all meetings of the Board. He shall be the executive officer of the Board in all matters, which have been determined by the Board. He shall prepare with the president the agenda before each meeting. He along with the president represents the Board of Deacons of the Church in the General Board of the Diocese. If the president of the Board is the Bishop, the Church can be represented by the vice president and the secretary in the General Board.
6) Seal – The Common Seal of the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions shall be kept by the Bishop or his delegate. There must only be one common seal for the Diocese. Rubber stamps for the individual parishes do not represent the Diocese in any manner, but are used for the internal affairs of those parishes and inter parish relations, within the Diocese.
7) The affixing of the common seal must be attested by the signature of the Bishop and if the Bishop is unavailable, by someone appointed by a written decree of the Bishop to attest the fixing of the seal on his behalf.
8) The treasurer shall have charge of all income and expenditure of the parish. The funds are derived from donations and social activities. Cash, money orders, cheques, or any other forms of payment are to be deposited in the Church bank account. Separate accounts may be opened to cover different activities. All accounts of the parish should be operated under the signatures of the president and the treasurer. In the case of absence of any one of them for more than one week, the vice president shall sign for the president (if absent) and the secretary shall sign for the treasurer (if absent).
9) No income shall be accepted by the Church unless it is received from a source that complies in all respects with the canons of the Church and the law of the State. His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria determines whether the canons of the Church have been complied with.
10) No income is permitted from any gambling or from raffling of any article.
11) The treasurer is to prepare the annual financial report within four weeks after the end of the financial year, which is from July first to June thirtieth. The books and documents shall be available for inspection by members.
12) The Church Board of Deacons is to attend regularly the Divine Liturgy and participate in the sacramental life of the Church thereby setting an example for the congregation.
13) Upon the expiration of its term, the Board of Deacons shall surrender to the succeeding Board all Church records, including membership lists, minute books, bank books, cheque books, financial records, parish stamp, and all other property of the Church. Such transfer shall be effected by an appropriate letter of transmittal.
14) In the event any member of the Board of Deacons or of any committee deviates from faith and Christian behaviour, or violates his fiduciary obligation towards the Church and his attendance to his duties as member of the Board of Deacons or a committee, complaints may be addressed to the Bishop for his investigation. The Bishop has the right to remove a member at any time and select a successor to him in accordance with the regulations contained in this Constitution. Likewise, if the Board of Deacons deviates from the customs of the holy Apostolic Church, the Bishop has the right to remove the Board and select a new Board.
2) The secretary of the Board of Deacons shall send a letter of authorisation approved and signed by the Bishop, to a bank to open a dual signature account for the Church with names of the members of the Board of Deacons authorised to sign.
3) The president, as head of his Church and by virtue of the ecclesiastical authority vested in him, shall guide and oversee the total Church program, and is ultimately responsible for the whole life and activities of his Church.
4) The vice president shall, in the absence of the president, perform the duties of the president.
5) The secretary shall keep record of all meetings of the Board. He shall be the executive officer of the Board in all matters, which have been determined by the Board. He shall prepare with the president the agenda before each meeting. He along with the president represents the Board of Deacons of the Church in the General Board of the Diocese. If the president of the Board is the Bishop, the Church can be represented by the vice president and the secretary in the General Board.
6) Seal – The Common Seal of the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions shall be kept by the Bishop or his delegate. There must only be one common seal for the Diocese. Rubber stamps for the individual parishes do not represent the Diocese in any manner, but are used for the internal affairs of those parishes and inter parish relations, within the Diocese.
7) The affixing of the common seal must be attested by the signature of the Bishop and if the Bishop is unavailable, by someone appointed by a written decree of the Bishop to attest the fixing of the seal on his behalf.
8) The treasurer shall have charge of all income and expenditure of the parish. The funds are derived from donations and social activities. Cash, money orders, cheques, or any other forms of payment are to be deposited in the Church bank account. Separate accounts may be opened to cover different activities. All accounts of the parish should be operated under the signatures of the president and the treasurer. In the case of absence of any one of them for more than one week, the vice president shall sign for the president (if absent) and the secretary shall sign for the treasurer (if absent).
9) No income shall be accepted by the Church unless it is received from a source that complies in all respects with the canons of the Church and the law of the State. His Holiness the Pope of Alexandria determines whether the canons of the Church have been complied with.
10) No income is permitted from any gambling or from raffling of any article.
11) The treasurer is to prepare the annual financial report within four weeks after the end of the financial year, which is from July first to June thirtieth. The books and documents shall be available for inspection by members.
12) The Church Board of Deacons is to attend regularly the Divine Liturgy and participate in the sacramental life of the Church thereby setting an example for the congregation.
13) Upon the expiration of its term, the Board of Deacons shall surrender to the succeeding Board all Church records, including membership lists, minute books, bank books, cheque books, financial records, parish stamp, and all other property of the Church. Such transfer shall be effected by an appropriate letter of transmittal.
14) In the event any member of the Board of Deacons or of any committee deviates from faith and Christian behaviour, or violates his fiduciary obligation towards the Church and his attendance to his duties as member of the Board of Deacons or a committee, complaints may be addressed to the Bishop for his investigation. The Bishop has the right to remove a member at any time and select a successor to him in accordance with the regulations contained in this Constitution. Likewise, if the Board of Deacons deviates from the customs of the holy Apostolic Church, the Bishop has the right to remove the Board and select a new Board.
1) Annual General Meetings shall be held to inform members of financial, social or administrative matters that concern the parish. There will be no voting at the annual general meeting, as the meeting will be only an opportunity to advise members generally as to the activities of the parish.
2) Not less than 50% of the members personally present constitute a quorum for the Annual General Meeting.
3) If within half an hour after the appointment for the commencement of the General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned until further notice is given to members. If at the adjourned meeting the quorum is not present half an hour after the time appointed for the commencement of the meeting, the members personally present shall be a quorum.
4) The notice shall be advertised in the parish Church magazine. The notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall specify that it is an Annual General Meeting.
5) A written notice shall also be affixed to the Notice Board of the parish following the sermon and shall remain there until the Annual General Meeting is held.
6) In addition, an announcement of the date for the Annual General Meeting shall be made after the delivery of the sermon on the Sunday by the parish priest, at least four weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
7) The Bishop shall preside as chairman at each General Meeting. In the instance that the Bishop is absent from the meeting, the meeting will not take place unless the Bishop is aware that the meeting is being held in his absence and consents in writing to it being so held, and delegating the president of the Board or any other person to preside over the meeting.
2) Not less than 50% of the members personally present constitute a quorum for the Annual General Meeting.
3) If within half an hour after the appointment for the commencement of the General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned until further notice is given to members. If at the adjourned meeting the quorum is not present half an hour after the time appointed for the commencement of the meeting, the members personally present shall be a quorum.
4) The notice shall be advertised in the parish Church magazine. The notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall specify that it is an Annual General Meeting.
5) A written notice shall also be affixed to the Notice Board of the parish following the sermon and shall remain there until the Annual General Meeting is held.
6) In addition, an announcement of the date for the Annual General Meeting shall be made after the delivery of the sermon on the Sunday by the parish priest, at least four weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
7) The Bishop shall preside as chairman at each General Meeting. In the instance that the Bishop is absent from the meeting, the meeting will not take place unless the Bishop is aware that the meeting is being held in his absence and consents in writing to it being so held, and delegating the president of the Board or any other person to preside over the meeting.
Rule 1 (1), Rule 1 (2), and Rule 2 (1), this Constitution, including the statement of purposes or objectives, may be amended at any time by His Holiness the Pope.
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